SEO services for Australia (and the world)

Search engine optimisation (SEO) — improving your site to increase its visibility for relevant Google searches — is how savvy businesses succeed in driving free, unpaid traffic to their site.


Getting found in Google and other search engines is critical to your success online. We can give you a clear understanding of how you’re currently performing on SEO and fix the things that aren’t doing what they should.

We’ll give you clear recommendations of what you can do to improve, explain anything you’re unsure about, and put everything in place to get you found.

Why SEO matters

SEO is a clear path to generating free/unpaid traffic.

A website with great, relevant content, optimised for Google (and other search engines), will help you to:

  1. Build an online presence and establish a reputation for your business. Featuring prominently for relevant search terms is a great factor for establishing your brand.

  2. Grow your business without relying on media spend by driving free traffic to your site

  3. Capture quality traffic by taking advantage of ‘inbound marketing’ — capture people looking for you, rather than interrupt them with your outbound message

girl and cat looking at laptop

SEO: where to start building your audience organically

Optimising your site for Google is really about ensuring that the content on your site meets what people are actually looking for. If no one is searching for what you’re writing about, you’ll never get any traffic — no matter how good your meta titles, descriptions and image alt tags are.

How search works — A (very) brief explanation

Search engines determine which results to show by:

  1. crawling websites and listing pages (and content) in their index; and

  2. using algorithms to determine which website is most relevant for a query

Successful sites:

  1. Enable Google to clearly understand what their site is about and easily index their pages by organising architecture (navigation) and content well

  2. provide relevant, helpful content that answers users’ queries (keywords) and therefore appear prominently in Google’s result pages.

(If you’re keen, you can learn more on Google’s ‘How Search Works’)

How we help you to build an audience

  1. We carry out keyword research (analysis of the terms users are entering into search engines) to understand content opportunities and learn about your customers.

  2. We then help you to generate great content that captures and converts this traffic

SEO consulting: Things we can help with

1. Improving your SEO health (SEO audit)

We’ll check the health of your website to make sure Google can read your site, identify any crawl errors or technical issues that might be impacting your rankings, and give you a list of clear recommendations to implement to improve your performance.

2. Keyword research

What are your customers searching for? What questions are they asking online?

At the heart of generating organic traffic and good content is keyword research. Keyword research uncovers the answers to these questions, giving you valuable insights into your customer base.

Through keyword research you’ll identify the opportunity: you’ll learn how much search traffic is available to capture to your website, and how easy or difficult it will be.

Key metrics we’ll uncover:

  • volume (how many people are searching for each term)

  • competition (how easy is it for us to rank for that term?); and

  • organic ‘click-through rate’ (or ‘CTR’ — what percentage of users are likely to click on the organic results and drive traffic to your site?).

We’ll then analyse this data, prioritise the keywords and find opportunities that are relevant for you to target and realistically rank for.

3. Creating content that meets user intent

Without good, informative content, your site won’t be providing answers to queries, and consequently, won’t earn traffic from Google. The keyword research undertaken will inform a content plan — new articles and pages (or updates to pages) that the website needs to rank better for the things people are searching for. Good content:

  1. supplies a demand

  2. is linkable or sharable

  3. is optimised for conversion

  4. is authentic and shows a passion for the product or service you provide

We specialise in creating digital content, and will work with you to draft compelling, engaging content that meets the needs of your users.

4. Improving your on-page SEO

If you’ve already drafted a bunch of content but it’s not performing as well as expected — we can help with that too. We can update your existing site content to target relevant keywords by:

  1. Crafting headings, meta titles and meta descriptions that are compelling, persuasive and meet what people are actually looking for

  2. Structuring content so that it’s easy to understand, and attracts a more relevant audience

Have a question?

If you’re feeling a bit bamboozled and need help understanding how it all works — we’re here to help. Get in touch for an obligation-free chat on 1300 692 007.