Affordable websites

We like to use very affordable out-of-the box website builders such as Squarespace, Shopify and Wix. These platforms use pre-designed templates and are easy to set up.


Why use Squarespace, Shopify or Wix?

There are two reasons we recommend out-of-the-box website platforms: 

  1. Your easy-to-maintain website, which will boast a striking design thanks to the many beautiful templates available, will automatically look great on any device, and will feature up-to-the-minute security and basic search engine optimisation with much less cost and effort.

  2. We see companies pay for custom development they don’t need all the time. If your needs are simple but you’re being sold an expensive, custom-built website, there’s a good chance you can get similar functionality off the peg for a low monthly cost that includes hosting. 

We believe that your budget would be better spent on strategy and crafting quality content. That means, more time and effort understanding your audience and pivoting your online offering to reflect how your customers want to use your site – and engage with you.

Squarespace or Shopify store setup service

Out-of-the-box CMS (Content Management System) platforms can be set up quickly and will look great. Most importantly, because they’re very easy to use, you’ll actually manage and make changes to your website yourself (without the need of an expensive web developer).

hand holding phone with shopify website on screen

Website editors you’ll actually use

We can train you on any out-of-the-box platform, and can manage content as long as you need us to – but we’re confident that you’ll enjoy taking the controls in no time.